- 简体中文
1. 贴近客户,善待员工,低成本,零缺陷
Close tocustomers, Be kind to employees, Low cost, Defect-free
2. 实施标准作业、消除作业等待
Actualize standardoperation, eliminate operating wait
3. 培养一人多能,提高人员利用率
Train talentedperson, improve utilization
4. 实施节拍生产、满足客户要求
Actualizestep-by-step manufacture, satisfy customers
5. 在需要的时间,生产需要的产品
Productsmanufacture within needful time
6. 降本增效、提高质量
Reduce the costwith high efficiency for a better quality.
7. 消除一切浪费,追求精益求精
Eliminate waste,strive for perfection
8. 高品质、低成本、准交期
High quality, lowcost, on time delivery
9. 生产均衡化、产品精细化
Elaboratingproduct by equalized production
10. 作业标准化、动作简单化
Standardizedoperation, simplified action
11. 精益无终点、创新无止境
Endlessperfection, unending innovation
1. 专注每一个过程,追求尽善尽美
Focusing everyprocess, pursuing perfection
2. 百分百专注、百分百质量
100% attention,100% quality
Achieve the perfect in quality by avoiding theshortcoming
Effort, Attention, Pursuance, Transcendence
None-defect in products, no complain by customers
Compulsory inspection, skillful inspection
The second factory processing operation is the customerof the first one
1. 安全第一、预防为主
Safety First and Prevention First
2. 排查危险源、杜绝污染源
Check hazardsource, avoid pollution source
3. 安全生产、人人有责
Safety productionis our duty
4. 先安全后生产,不安全不生产
Productionfollowing safety, none production without safety
1. 5S是习惯,习惯靠养成
5S is habit, thehabit grows naturally
2. 整理、整顿、清扫、清洁、素养
Organization,Neatness, Cleaning, Standardization, Discipline and training
3. 不要小看自己,人有无限可能
Don’t turn up yournose to anyone, people has infinite potential
4. 态度决定一切,细节决定成败
Attitudedetermines everything, success depends on details
1. 节约用水,从我做起
Do something tosave water
2. 节约能源做的好,省钱省能又环保
Economizing energyis an effective way to help the environment and save money on your energy bill
3. 行动是成功的开始,等待是失败的源头
The success beginswith the working and the failure caused by the waiting.
1. 推行PDCA循环,持续改进
Promote PDCAcycle, keep it improving
2. 人人都可以进行现场改善
Improvement of thesite is everyone’s duty
3. 现场改善从“心”做起
Site’s improvementis from heart
1. 专业化、品牌化、国际化
Professional,famous, international
2. 团结向上、创新奉献
Unity, activity,creation, contribution